Folis Asc
The start of it all
Here’s the information you’ve always wanted to know about the band.
The Original Line-
Wayne Ramm -
Paul Downey -
John Robb -
Dave Karstadt -
2nd Line-
Wayne Ramm -
Mike Malone -
Robbie Satenspiel -
John Robb -
Dave Karstadt -
3rd Line-
Wayne Ramm -
Llory McDonald -
Mike Malone -
Robbie Satenspiel -
John Robb -
Dave Karstadt -
4th Line-
Wayne Ramm -
Llory McDonald -
Mike Malone -
Neil McQueen -
John Robb -
Dave Karstadt -
The band rehearsed in the social hall of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Phoenix
Arizona. We developed our following from a combination of church youth and local
area High School students. The line-
Coming soon…
Early song set list and partial list of performances as well as assorted photos.
Early recordings of rehearsals and gigs. I recorded various events with my Teac A340